For those of us with kids September is like the start of a new year for us as well. Summer affords us time with our families but it is nice to get back into a regular routine that can allow us to start new projects, rediscover ourselves or just get back to work. For me all of this has happened this week and the nice weather has helped a lot as well. The following are from my past week, hope you enjoy.
September 6, 2012 I was able to get out and do a lot of walking today. After walking Cool and Luke to school I hit the links at Confederation Golf course for nine holes (the sixth image of the fox was taken there). Afterwards I went for a walk around the U of C lands near the Alberta Children's Hospital and shot a number of photo's by the pond. I like the back lighting on the first one and this was the Instagram 366 photo for the day.
I sure hope fuzzy berries don't mean a harsher winter.I love the reflection of the clouds in the water.
Some Canada Geese relaxing by the pond.
Manhole covers next to the storm pond.
This little baby fox seems to live between the fifth and sixth fairways by the pond at the golf course.
September 5, 2012. Helped my brother while the boy's were at school making some deliveries to the post office for him. Saw this neat set of reflections in my car of the postal truck parked beside me.September 4, 2012. First day of school. Cool and Luke were excited to get back for the new year especially since there school now has a fine art curriculum.
September 3, 2012. I try to o for a walk every night and look to explore new pathways that run through our neighbourhood. I came across these scenes on my journey. The first one of the lily is my photo for the day. Processed afterwards using snapseed and the Jazz apps on the iPhone.
The leaves are already changing colour.
I think this bee actually died on this flower as it did not move at all in the three or four minutes I snapped away for no matter how close I got.
September 2, 2012. This clematis plant had lost all it's flowers leaving behind these remnants.
September 1, 2012. The community garden in Brentwood. Positioned this sunflower with the sunset behind.
August 31, 2012. This display was at the Iris store in Marketmall. I loved how the pot processing in Snapseed made it look like a jack-o-lantern.