Today was a good day for finding some images to create. It started this morning as I was playing with Luke upstairs. The morning sun was coming through the window and I noticed a light pattern on the carpet caused by the laundry basket. Since it was not a large pattern I looked for a small object that I could place in the light. I found this little angel figurine we have and brought it over and put it on the floor and then moved it and the basket until I got a pleasing scene. The above image was shot with the Canon 7D, 24-70 f2.8 @ f 8, 1/125 sec at 100 ISO.
Later in the afternoon I went out side to shovel the driveway. When I was walking back up an hour later (we have a long driveway) I noticed the snow that had been pushed up against the house had curled back over due to the heat from the sun. It reminded me of the tubes in the surf in Hawaii. I went inside, grabbed my camera and this little surfing figure that the boys have. I carefully positioned it in the tube and got down on the ground to shoot the below image. Canon 7D, 24-70 f2.8 @ f8, 1/100 sec at 100 ISO.

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