Can you tell how long this exposure was by looking at it? (Answer at the end of the post).
Sometimes it can get a little tricky being creative with this project. Busy days and creative blocks seem to jump up and threaten to stall us less then 2 months in to the project. In order to combat this I try to be observant of what is around me and make notes so that if I am up against the clock I can have something to fall back on. Today was one of those days and with the seconds ticking away I remembered the wall clock beside my work station. But how to make an interesting image of such a mundane subject? The answer is in the technique.
Grabbing my trusty 7D with the 24-70 f2.8 lens I set up my mini-Manfroto tripod, camera and cable release across from the clock. Knowing what I wanted to achieve I choose 100 ISO and f18. I then sat back and did an exposure and the rest is history folks. So did you figure out the shutter speed yet?
If you guessed 6 seconds, give yourself a pat on the back. (I hope you counted the ticks in the sweep hand.)
Sometimes it can get a little tricky being creative with this project. Busy days and creative blocks seem to jump up and threaten to stall us less then 2 months in to the project. In order to combat this I try to be observant of what is around me and make notes so that if I am up against the clock I can have something to fall back on. Today was one of those days and with the seconds ticking away I remembered the wall clock beside my work station. But how to make an interesting image of such a mundane subject? The answer is in the technique.
Grabbing my trusty 7D with the 24-70 f2.8 lens I set up my mini-Manfroto tripod, camera and cable release across from the clock. Knowing what I wanted to achieve I choose 100 ISO and f18. I then sat back and did an exposure and the rest is history folks. So did you figure out the shutter speed yet?
If you guessed 6 seconds, give yourself a pat on the back. (I hope you counted the ticks in the sweep hand.)
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