The year is well under way and I am plugging along with a photo a day. February is always a challenging month here in Calgary. It is cold outside and it tends to be a long wait for spring. Thus it can be difficult to always come up with new ideas and concepts. Yet here are my images from the last week or so.
February 20. I have been recovering from Bronchitis that I contracted back before Christmas. Even though the worst part there is still irritation in the bronchial tubes. The Fisherman's Friend lozenges have been my relief.
February 21. The boys had some candy heart suckers left over from Valentines day and I arranged three of them in a pattern on the softbox for this shot using the 7D.February 22. Using the same technique I took an orange slice and laid it on top of the softbox. Fortunately the Chimera softboxes use a plastic material and not fabric so that the juice from the orange did damage the surface. I used a macro tube on my 24-70 to get in tight for this macro shot.
Earlier that evening I had been down at St, Stephen's Anglican church and today the sun was coming through the stain glass windows and illuminating them brilliantly. I was intrigued by the fine detail and shot four close ups using the iPhone and combined them in to on finished piece using Frametastic.
February 23. Sunday Self-portrait week eight. I had this idea of a double exposure after playing around with the Hipstamatic app on my iPhone. I picked up a crown from Burger King and then using a mirror I shot two images using the double-expose feature on the Hipstamatic. It took a number of tries to get it just right but it gave me the look I was going for.
February 24. Using a small empty bottle of Crown Royal which I saved because I liked the bag and the shape of the bottle for today's subject. Light from the softbox below and a mirror reflecting light back into the bottle and bag.
February 25. Some of my memorabilia from my time in the Army Cadets in 1977/78. I found these cap badges when I was organizing some of my drawers. Brought back some interesting memories.
February 26. See the previous post that was done from the iPad for this day's photo.
February 27. A single pink Rose stood out as I was walking through Safeway and I managed a quick capture with the iPhone.
February 28. This Orchid is embalmed in acrylic and as I was looking for something to shoot as today's subject stood out to me. Perfectly preserved and with an interesting background it reminds me that spring is on it's way.
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