As I reach 450+ days of continuous shooting I have a few thoughts about taking on and continuing this project. When I started on Dec. 31, 2010 I became aware of how many people attempt this project and how many end it before reaching their goal. Some feel that they have failed if they give up. My thought if you started, made the attempt, but due to circumstance could not finish you still made the attempt. This type of project is more about learning, opening your eyes to everything around you and the possibilities of photographic exploration. There will be days when the creative juices are not there, you are tired, or just running out of time and these can cause you to miss a day. Life happens, don't sweat it, you do what you do and plug on. If you do continue don't expect to always have an award winner. It would be nice if we could always have an image that make people "Oh and Ah", but it is not necessary. As long as we make the effort, improve our eye and have fun that is what the photo a day project is about.
Now to continue catching up with my posts.

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