Monday, January 31, 2011
Day 31, 365 Day Project.

Sunday, January 30, 2011
Day 30, 365 Day Project

With this being January and there being a number of cold days I find that I am doing more of my images in the studio. In one way I have rediscovered the joys of table top shooting. Today I took our souvenir from the Taj Mahal where we visited in 2005 and placed it on a piece of black plexi. I then took a small strip of mirror and placed it underneath the model. I light a painted background with one of my Balcars and then use a 3 degree grid spot on the other Balcar to just skim the top of the Taj model. I used only the modeling lights and set for the tungsten setting on my Canon 7D. I shot for 1/15th sec and @ f2.8 on the 24-70 f2.8 lens as I wanted shallow depth of field. The above is the result. The bottom image is the set-up as taken by me iPod touch camera so one can get an idea of the set up and the small space I am working.

Saturday, January 29, 2011
Day 29, 365 Day Project.

The light was not to intense today in the Heritage Hall due to the overcast skies so I decided to work at some high ISO's again. The image above was shoot at 12,800 ISO @ 1/50th sec, f6.3 on the Canon 7D and 24-70 f2.8 lens. The image below was shot using a table lamp as the light source and was at 1600 ISO for 1/50 sec @ f4.

Friday, January 28, 2011
Day 28, 365 Day Project.

Thursday, January 27, 2011
Day 27, 365 Day Project

Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Day 26, 365 Day Project.

Since I purcahsed the 7D in September I have grown to love high ISO photography. Till this point I have not tried the High setting (12,800 ISO) so I thought I would tonight. I had finished my class at SAIT and slipped the camera on to "H" and headed into the hallway. Seeing the water fountain I moved in close and shot the above image. The shutter speed is 1/80th sec @ f7.1 with the 24-70 f2.8 lens. I am totally impressed at the noise level in these images and can see me shooting much more at 12,800 ISO.
I then drove over to Crescent Heights hill and photographed the next three images.

This image was shot at 1/15th sec @ f 5.6 handheld.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Day 25, 365 Day Project

An absolutely gorgeous day here in Calgary which afforded me a chance to take a nice long walk in Nose Hill Park near my home. I started out shooting the trees, but as I trudged through the snow I started to become fascinated by the shadows being cast by the blades of grass breaking through the snow. I did this for close to two hours and in doing so was able to accomplish one of my other goals for the New Year, that of doing at least an hour of exercise a day. Walking through the deep snow and going up and down the ravines got my heart rate going and I worked up a good sweat. In all a very good day.
All images shot with the Canon 7D and the 24-70 f2.8 lens. Trees shot at 100 ISO at 1/200 sec and f8.0 and 1/100 sec @ f10 for the grass and shadows images.

Monday, January 24, 2011
Day 24, 365 Day Project

We picked up this small fountain a couple of years ago on a trip to Phoenix, AZ. When thinking about what I would like to do for today's image I felt that it would make an interesting subject. So down to the studio I took it, set it on a pedestal and put one Balcar light with the extra small Chimera softbox to the right hand side slightly behind the fountain. For the top exposure I was at at f16 for an 8 second exposure using the modeling light only from Balcar.
I got what I wanted in just two takes and was about to break down when I notice a nice silhouette if I moved my camera position to have the softbox directly across from the camera. I cropped in to what I thought was an interesting angle and shot the bottom image at f22 for 13 seconds having turned the power all the way down on the modeling light. I then used a small flash light to add some detail back into the one basin just near the bottom as it was to dark on my initial test.
Both images were shot with the Canon 7D, 24-70 f2.8 lens at 100ISO.

Sunday, January 23, 2011
Day 23, 365 Day Project.

Saturday, January 22, 2011
Day 22, 365 Day Project.

Today I taught my wedding photography class at SAIT. For the third class I usually do a simple studio set-up and try to bring in a bride and groom or have the student's bring someone. Today was a little different as we had no subject's and had to use student's to volunteer. Cooper and Kathleen steped up and did a great job for the class. Here are a couple of individual portraits I did of each of them. Lighting was an Alien Bee 1600ws with a 4 x 6 Larson Softbox on the left @ f8 as the main light and an Alien Bee 800ws with an umbrella @ F4 5/10 behind camera slightly to the right. Canon 7D, 24-70 f2.8 @ f8, 1/125 sec at 100 iso.

Friday, January 21, 2011
Day 21, 365 Day Project.

Plus 2 today and the children from Luke's Playschool were taking advantage of the warm weather to do some sledding. As one of the class photographers I try to document as many activities as I can. I captured a number of great images of the children having fun and liked this one a lot. The emotion on their faces shows the excitment of the day. The angle was perfect, so much so that I had to jump out of the way at the last second or they would have taken me out. I would have loved to have had one similar of Luke but He only did one run right at the end and as you can see was very cautious (images below).
Technical info: Canon 7D, 24-70 f2.8 @ f5.6, 1/500th sec at 400 ISO. Metered off the snow and opened up 1 2/3 stops.

Thursday, January 20, 2011
Day 20, 365 Day Project.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Day 19, 365 Day Project.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Day 18, 365 Day Project.

Monday, January 17, 2011
Day 17, 365 Day Project.

As I was getting ready to do my daily walk on the treadmill today I noticed the late afternoon sun coming through the basement window and light the leaves of the ivy plant that my wife has downstairs. So to the office I dashed and grabbed the trusty Canon 40D and started shooting. I loved the backlight and the way the leaves were illuminated. I choose the top image as today's selection as I also like the patterns of the shadows that were being cast by other leaves.
Technical data: Canon 40D, 24-70 f2.8 lens @ f5.6 at 70 mm and manual focus as the scene through the window gave the auto a bit of trouble. I loved the shallow depth of field here. Shutter speed of 1/200 sec at 100ISO.
On a side note I received a call from the Camera Store and my 7D is back from Canon after some warranty repair. Only took 2 weeks. I’m very happy with the turnaround time.

Sunday, January 16, 2011
Day 16, 365 Day Project

Looking to try something a little different and decided to try some abstract images using the camera in the iPod touch. While the boy's were playing with the bubbles in the bath tub I asked them to try some motion to see what I could capture. This was my favorite as there was some sense of flow as the hands pushed back and forth through the water. The light was just a standard wall mount bath room fixture and thus it was fairly dark. The camera is OK in low light but the noise is very pronounced. I don't mind it much as it adds to the abstract quality of the image. Did some color correction in photoshop but again did not want to do to much in keeping with the theme.
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Day 15, 365 Day Project

So one of my followers commented that I should get out of the house a little bit more after viewing my earlier posts. I responded that I would when it was no loner -stupid degrees out with wind-chill of crazy. However today I had my wedding photography class at SAIT and on my way home I saw this nice sunset by Confederation Park. Since I had my camera with me I parked the car and jumped out for a bit of a walk till I found something interesting. I liked the silhouette of the trees against the sky and shot this image with the Canon 40D, 24-70 f2.8 @ f16, 1/125 sec at 800 ISO.
Friday, January 14, 2011
Day 14, 365 Day Project

Thursday, January 13, 2011
Day 13, 365 day project

Today I did thought I would do some self-portraits with a little more dramatic lighting. Half way through my shooting, Luke came down stairs to the studio and wanted to sit in my lap. The above shot, today's entry to the project, was one of the results and my favorite of the two of us.
The technical on this image is one Balcar with an extra small Chimera soft box to the right and slightly behind. Another Balcar with a small Chimera strip soft box is to the back feathered across to light the background and give some separation. In order to do the self-portrait I am using the OnOne Remote DSLR app on my iPod touch and tethered in to my laptop running the OnOne server program. Used the live view function to position myself, but discovered it would not trigger the strobes in live view so had to switch it off. Once again with the Canon 40D, 24 - 70 f2.8 @ f14, 1/125 sec, 100 ISO at 65mm.
Below are two more images from the session. Another with Luke and then a profile of myself that I really liked. I did some minor retouching as I discovered I am getting some strands of grey and they looked really out of place and were distracting against the darker hair.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Day 12, 365 day project

This image of Cool was also shot tonight as he and his brother came with me. I can bring them on shooting nights as they can play on their computers or iPods and then will sit in as subjects if needed. In this set up Cool is close to the background and two lights into umbrellas creating a wall of light at f5.0 across the entire area. Shot at 1/125 sec at 100 iso. Both images with the Canon 40D and the 24 - 70 f2.8 lens.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Day 11, 365 day project

With the miserable cold weather here in Calgary I have pretty well been at home since Sunday morning. Tonight was Cool's choir practice night and we made the trek across town to the Haddon Road School. I have made the commitment to keep my camera with me every where I go to be ready for possibilities in image making. I think a few of the parents where wondering why I was taking pictures of the fire hose. However I was attracted by the reflection of the fluorescent lights in the chrome and the texture of the hose. Shot with the 40D and 24-70 f2.8 @ f4, 1/60th sec at 1600 ISO.
Monday, January 10, 2011
Day 10, 365 day project.

Sunday, January 9, 2011
Day 9, 365 day project.

Saturday, January 8, 2011
Day 8, 365 day project

So far there seems to be a theme of flowers runing through this project. It might be that being at home, indoors during these cold days of winter make me look for something accesible around the house. Now my wife has a lot of plants and a few of them seem to have flowers year round. Lysa is a minamalist when it comes to her plants, that means she waters them but leaves them to their own cycle of life. So as I was looking for something that interested me this dead flower that was amongst the new ones growing caught my eye. So I plucked it out and took it downstairs to my studio to shoot it. I decided for some side light to help bring out the texture and this time decided to use the 70 - 200 mm f2.8 lens as I wanted some drop off in the depth of field and knew that it was capable of focusing fairly close. Shot again with the Canon 40D @ f5.0 for 1/125 sec. @ 200 mm.
Friday, January 7, 2011
Day 7, 365 day project

Thursday, January 6, 2011
Day 6, 365 day project

Playing with shadows. That's what today's post is about. I woke up this morning and when I was on my way to the stairs saw these patterns on the wall being created by the light from the window next to our front door. Knowing it was fleeting I quickly grabbed my camera and banged off a couple of shots before the light disapeared. I really liked the abstract feel and thus choose not to include the plant that was casting the shadow. The above is the image I choose as the one for the 365 day project, but I also like the image below.
Shot with the Canon 40D, 24 - 70 f2.8 @ f5.0, 1/250 sec, ISO 100.
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Day 5, 365 day project