Saturday, January 7, 2012

One week into 2012.

We are now one week in to 2012 and I have still been taking at least one photograph a day. Today was a particular good one as I came across a couple of shots. I took the last image first as I was going up to the office at SAIT to do some photocopying for today's class. I decided to photograph the buttons on the elevator as I knew I could do something interesting.

After leaving SAIT I had to stop at Safeway to do some grocery shopping and as I was walking down the aisle I saw a display of flowers. Again pulling out the iPhone I photographed to different flowers and then continued on.

Once I returned home I processed them all with Snapseed first cropping them. On each I used a different filter that gave them the look I wanted. Afterwards I used three different apps to create the frames. In order from top to bottom they were - RealCamera+, PhotoToaster and PhotoForge2

Here is an update on Project 12. When I thought about the idea originally I thought it would be nice to have a project a month and thus have 12 completed items at the end of the year. As I have been working on my assignment ideas, I now realize that to do each project correctly they may take more then a month to complete. SO I am adjusting the parameters a bit with the idea to have 12 projects completed by the end of the year. However many will overlap both in time period and in relation to each other. It will be a challenge but if all goes well I do believe I can finish all 12 by December 31, 2012.


  1. Between the purple & creamy white flowers... Definately liking the creamy white best :) They still (in my view) have a realism... purple ones are, well not for me :)

    Cool shot of the elevator buttons!

  2. Really Great picture! I wish you all the best in your 12 projects. I look forward to seeing them through out the year.
