Had a most excellent class tonight at SAIT. The first style of lighting I introduce to the students is High Key and I show a couple of ways to go about achieving this. We had the lovely Krystal as a subject and I took a couple of quick images before giving the students the rest of the evening to shoot. The above shot was with four lights. Two Alien Bees on the subject creating a 3 to 1 ratio and a shooting aperture of f5.6. Main light was a 3' x 4' Larson soft box and fill light with an umbrella. Then two small Multiblitz minis on the background and reading 11 and 5/10 of a stop to blow out the background.

The second image was using two Balcar Mini Z's with umbrellas to create a wall of light reading f11 across the scene and then keeping the subject close to the background. Produces a fat but pleasant light.
Both images with the Canon 7D, 24-70 f2.8 at 1/125 sec and 100 ISO.
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